Thursday, July 9, 2009

updating my blog

Gud morning everyone~ gud morning Brunei~
its Friday morning..i wake up early today because i want to have my breakfast (haha funny reason)..its gud to wake up early..after my breakfast i was thinking of updating my blog after so long being's been so long time that i haven't update my blog. First, I have no time to do so. I have a lots pf work to do at the campus. Assignments, reports, group discussions, tests then final sems exam..totally blow me up..feel like quitting school..but think of the future i cant do so..haha..when i hav a lots to share with u, my friends..

My results isn't so flying colors as i expected.. but i will do the best in next sems..eventou my results is not tat beauty but at least im listed in the clear passes students..but unfortunately my dearest darling he didnt get thru' one of the unit which is PHE..he will be having his resit on 27th..wish he all the best..

i have something to share with u all..can u believe anyone can finished their studies by the age of 19yrs old??!!!that's impossible!!because of this issue, i was called BUSYBODY...its not me that
BUSYBODY anyone's girlfriend/boyfriend or what..its the curiosity grow in the human heart that want to know who's that youngest graduate ITBians...its kinda ashamed if somebody found out that he/she actually withdrawn from ITB...urggghhhh!!!!forget it...its no longer my business to know who he/she is..

anyway, continue to my life...hahaha...okeys..i hav a final year project to do...which is has to be concerned because the final year project contribute marks to my final im working hard on it juz to get the best..i'll work with my group to finish the project on time..and i have to sacrifice my time for my works...i hav to apologise to close friend, Zee..
(p/s: zee if u being passby & read my blog...i want to say sorry to u...i hav been bz lately and hav no time hanging out with u..hope u understand..=))