Wednesday, December 12, 2012

KK Adventures Part 1


Hi everyone!! It's been awhile that I haven't update anything since 3 years ago..haha...which is so unbelievable.. Never thought that would be so long then I start updating again.. This time around I will update you with all the places I have been travelling.

Well, in this chapter I planning to tell you about what I have experience during my holiday last September with my girl, Chris.. We hardly see each other because we work in a different place.. She is one of my best friend during my Uni. Will show u a picture of my lovely girlfriend..=D
Here's a picture of me and Chris before departing to KK.
Ok, here comes the story actually why we end up going to KK.. I was so pissed off with my other friend. We already discussed and plan to go Singapore in August.. I even bought the ticket to Singapore and cost me B$490!! Then the holiday cancel and i got stuck at home doing nothing but sleeping only which was so boring..I felt like dying already since I'm a kinda of person that like to have a lot of excitement. I couldn't help myself being lock at home so I went to look for my friend, Chris. I then told me about the Singapore trip being cancelled due to my other friend having a hard time with her business. Then we start to talk about going on a holiday. Then i came across going to KK. I told her that I never been to KK all my entire life, The she laugh at me and thought I was joking..haha..funny right??People go KK like going to not even first trip out of the country after i worked was KL..which is like so super duper awesome..i celebrated the new year there at the place where i only see in the TV now become reality...haha... road already...back to the Chris and I booked the tickets 2 weeks before and I was so excited and didn't tell my mum about the case the trip got cancelled know..

So, at first Chris was suggesting to bring hand carry i packed my stuffs in a backpack and a hand carry bag..then suddenly 5 days before the flight she texts me and said she used luggage..aiya!!you seee...i already packed and now i have to unpack again..haha..i was so excited until i couldn't sleep every night until the actual day...haha...exaggerating right??

So on the actual day i was supposed to off early from my work but i need to finish up all my works before i went off on a holiday..then my boss was looking at me and asked me "Mag, you haven't go yet??you aren't afraid the plane left you??you only have 3 hours to catch your better go now..faster!!" haha...funny...i'm the one going but my boss was the one worrying about the flight..

Here's the thing in the airport...i reached the airport around 4.45 pm then i checked in...after that i went to the ATM to cash out some cash for extra flight was 6.20 after eating a little to fill up my tummy then we were good to go..suddenly the flight attendant told us that there was some slight technical problems at KK airport.. so we have to wait for the further notice...waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...then they finally told us that we got strained in the airport because KK airport cant deal with the problem..which was like 12.30 am already!!!!they have wasted our time in the airport..the people should do something about it like send us to hotel earlier to settle everyone down with a comfy bed to sleep and catch the flight tomorrow again...these was like a disaster plus i was wearing my contact lens and smelled like shit...finally they sent us all to the nearest hotel to have a the time everyone is settle the time on the clock already tick 1.45 am..and was told to wake up 4 am in the morning and must get ready and be ready in the airport by 6 am..are you kidding me??? That was like less than 3 hrs of sleep eyh...crazy people do crazy things...

There was a wake up called to wake us all up..Chris went in for shower while im still lazy lying in the bed.
After getting ready and packed evrything we went down for a very early morning breakfast at 5.30am. The foods were not bad after all but were kinda cold like they just took out from the fridge or something. Then we all get ready to ride the bus to the airport. and awaits for the flight to KK.

In between of the chaos, there were this annoying Hongkong lady with ur tour members. They were so damn RUDE lor!! They dont care other people around them they just bang and go...which is crazy lo...

Ok ok...we arrived at the airport and took a taxi to our hotel...KING PARK HOTEL..the hotel reception lady was so helpful...we explained what happened due to the late check-in..she eventually deducted the 1 night rate for's the pictures of our hotel..but i didn't take much photos.

This is the view outside our room.

Another angle of the view outside our room
The Hotel is very to the town area. Just a 10-15 minutes of walking distance to Suria Sabah, Philippines Market, and few other shops down town. If you are planning to go to the Island, this hotel is the right choice and budgetary for people like me.

So after we put all our luggages in the room, we were off to this place where there is natural hot spring water from the ground. Unfortunately we didnt rent any car because that day was a public holiday. so we book this taxi to go to the Poring which is at Ranau.

The mosque..Chris insist me to take a picture of it..she said it looks nicer at night with all the lights on

The Chinese temple with the Kun Yam statue..Chris wanna visit so we stop by before go to the poring
Here's a picture of the entrance to the hot spring pool

The counter before to the open air poring tub

Me with the sign =D

The ticket entrance to the hot spring..dont throw it away because u can use it to go in to the National Museum. 

Im so lucky because Chris knew how to speak malaysian so we got the cheap ticket.
Foreigner: RM15
Malaysian: RM3
You see the difference?? so glad that Chris knows how to speak malaysian. Ok, ok, now pictures will tell you all how nice and adventures KK is..Enjoy the pictures:


Me vain pose in the car..feel so fresh after the hot spring bath.

You can get fresh strawberry at the Strawberry Farm..but unfortunately during my visit the strawberry finish sad.

This picture is taken at Kunansang..where u can get cheap and pure honey with a reasonable price.

I get this so attractive so took a picture of it..its actually a chili plant..nice right?

Chris be my model for the day..hehe

beautiful rose..=D
Strawberry Farm

The view of the mountain

National Museum...didnt get to visit because its raining..

Chris insist me to take a picture of her when she jumped...haha..successed!!!

The entrance of the strawberry farm.

On our back, u can see the sky with dark its only 4.30pm!!!
I think will stop here for Day 1..there is some more excited coming from the next blog Day 2..Stay tune..bye!!=D
