Friday, December 14, 2012

KK Adventures Part 2


Me camwhoring while Chris having her bath..haha
Day 2
After the adventures yesterday, before we went back to the hotel we went to the shopping mall called One Borneo. Its a big shopping mall where you can get anything you want there. Chris was looking some presents to bring back for her family while I was busy checking out the mall each and every corner. Ok, forget about's day 2 adventures.

Day 2 was scheduled to go Manukan Island. So we wake up early at 8am then take our bath and get ready for the breakfast at the hotel restaurant. 
Me trying out which outfit should i wear for the day...its either this or.....
this one??hmm...i think this is better the green should be later after all the beach fun..=D

Before going out for the fun..first need to refill this baby...just bought the film last night at One Borneo..5 boxes for right??i know~~

The view of the restaurant

There the waiter serving us for the breakfast

The outside view from the restaurant

Breakfast of the day =D

 After the breakfast, we started our day 2 adventure walking around the town to the Jesselton Habour. I was so excited that day was a great sunny day which mean I can have more fun enjoying the water games..weee~~

The bus/taxi stand near our hotel..the building in white next to the peach building is our hotel..King Park Hotel.

The Horizon Hotel which has the Marina Bay Sand Hotel Swimming Pool on topm of the roof..RM110 per night..not bad right?

Chris insist me to take her picture of the arc as she stand in the middle.. she said is the entrance to the palace.

Me and Chris taking picture from the other side of the road 
Chris and me in our suglasses..=D
The road we took to go to the Jesselton habour
The clock..there is a history behind it.

Chris said "Take a picture of me!!so i can tell my office mates I'm here!!"
An old chinese coffee shop...feels like you are back in the 80s
I purposely take a picture of Chris from the back..haha

Peppermint Restaurant..nice food

Another hotel i found which is exactly down town..besides the hotel got a lot of restaurant and cafe..Jesselton hotel

I found you...Old Town White Coffee


Me with the lion...grrrrr

The back view of Suria Sabah

People ride boat to the island...but at your own risk clear is the sea cant get that in Brunei

Chris is having her moment...huhu


Few more steps before we reach the habour...*excited much*

People enjoying their view..

Me posting...behind is the Jesselton Habour!!!

Suria Sabah's back view
How romantic the view is..

I get the Cock & Bull Restaurant name so funny so i took a picture of it..haha
Here we are at the counter!!!we were searching for the agent which is more likely that can be trust and with a fair rate.
Found it!!!That guy is so friendly and he actually gives us a fair rate for 2 games.. RM400 for 2 person consist of 2 games (Jet ski & Para sailing)
Here's the rate for the games
I just know there are 3 islands..but we chose Manukan as it is the most visited island by everyone.
Chris with one of the agent
I bought a hat..look so american right??how I wish I got an Caucasian boyfriend..haha
Chris with her hat and her short..cute isn't she?

That's me after the jet was fun riding a jet ski but it also give me the most unforgettable memory about fall off from the jet ski..haha

You see that Caucasian man??handsome isn't he??*melt like an ice cream* lol

Off we go to the island!!!

Bye harbor...see you later in the afternoon

Me inside the boat

The view of the sea so calm...

Sapi Island

The two Vietnamese girls going to the Sapi island

Manukan!!!!here we comes!!!!=D

People swimming in the swallow area

Dont wear nice shoes to the beach..just slippers..

We rest for awhile before our next activity..Para sailing!!!yeah~~

The fish under the bridge...

While waiting for Chris to do her business in the toilet i took my time to take a few shots.

Our captain that drove the boat for the para sailing
People take their shower outside after the from the beach
Villa at the good for the couple who is having their honeymoon.

See how happy she is

Chris and me taking pictures in the water...luckily i brought along the waterproofing casing for my i can take pictures in the water..hehe

The coral =D

I dont know how to swim so i just stay away from the deep area..=(

The sky become darker we decided to go home..

On our way to the changing room, we saw this chinese lady feeding the fishes..

After we changed and ready to explore the town later

Its was raining and we were we ate something here
Took a picture of Chris with my instant camera..but she said she wanted it so i took a picture for my collection.

Took a picture at the Jesselton Harbour

Another angmoh..haha

This is what i got from the scuba diving..cuts from the coral

The night market..we were there too early..they only open at night time

The place where all the junk foods sell here

The Filipino Market...amazingly all the Philippians here speaks well Sabah language..

Colourful fishes sell at the market

Their ships

The food stalls..all the food looks so yummy but i didnt ate any because im full after the donuts.

The lady was making the seaweed salad..looks so delicious

See the guy eating the salad so soundlessly

The mosque

My mom asked me to buy her cucumber from the Filipino Market

So many clothes selling along the road...

Jewelries too...and its cheap too

Back in the hotel...tired after the whole day of fun in Manukan then in Filipino Market...

Chris also tired but she wanted to go One Borneo to buy somethings for her family so we were waiting for the taxi in the lobby..=D

Me trying out the hat..haha

All green...

Pancakes Cafe...the foods is so delicious should try when you are there
After all the shopping and strolling, we went back to the hotel around 10pm..then we started to pack our luggage...its so sad that we have to leave KK so soon..but no worries there will always be another time to visit after packing, we took bath and jumped to bed...

The next morning we woke up at 5.45am..because our flight was at we need to be at least 2 hours before the flight to check after we bath..we took our luggage out and went to the hotel cafe to have breakfast..

American Breakfast early morning with fruits
After breakfast we went down to the lobby to check out and settle everything before we go to the airport. We reached the airport and queuing for check in...amazingly by the time we reached the airport there were a lot of people there at the counter...

Chris with her sleepy face..haha
The counter to the departure hall

Me posing for the last time in KK Internatinal Airport..haha

Chris was planning to sleep but i asked her to take a picture with me

Going back to work again after the long weekend of fun. 

Picture at the hallway to the plane..=D

We settled at the seat and took another picture of us..haha

Goodbye KK..see you again til my next visit =D